Test Mode v 0.1(Beta)

Test Mode v 0.1(Beta)


Illusion5D.exe 39 MB
64 days ago


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Your game is insteresting I would like to have more interaction with something.  And the spaceship is a nicely design but i though it would move or something. There's a bug in the spaceship and the restart events doesn't explain when the red sphere kill me.

(2 edits)

Thanks for playing this game .

The 1st level is about you need go  to red sphere .In front of red sphere there is blue cube ,if you go to blue cube the game restarts .Still you go to blue cube the game restarts again and again.

You need to avoid blue cube .

If you wait around 30 sec the spaceship will appear .

If you wait around 1minute the invisible ground appear in bottom..

Yes,there is invisible ground in bottom.

If you go to red sphere you fall and reach to next level .

Thanks for remaind me about spaceship ,I forgot about that I will fix it .

Do you complete first level and reach second level .


I don't know I saw the red sphere moving and moving blue sphere